Ten days on the job. Time for a break.

I started pastoring on the September 10, and worked all last week except Friday and Saturday, my days off, except that I secretly worked some then too so I would have a sermon to preach on the 17th. (Not the whole time: we also went to Joshua Tree National Park.) It’s been a pretty good week or 10 days. Lots of surprises but only a handful were unpleasant.

But now it’s time for a well-deserved break. I’m off this weekend, so I can be ordained. You see, this past week I wasn’t officially a Pastor, because Pastors are Ministers of Word and Sacrament. I’ve been some kind of stated supply layperson. (I have no idea what “stated” means in terms like that, but Presbyterians use “stated” all over the place, whenever we start talking about our polity.) Anyway, this weekend I’ll be ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament. No raise in pay comes with this change, but I will be entitled to use the title “Reverend.”

2 thoughts on “Ten days on the job. Time for a break.

  1. Christa

    Luke –

    Hooray that you were ordained last weekend! Do post some pictures / tell all about the service. I hope you’re loving California. It certainly beats New Jersey… oh yes, some of us are still students….

    Christa, who wishes a “Luke-ogram” could help direct me to ordination faster than its going at the moment

  2. Luke

    Yep. I’ve got the funny robe. (I ordered a stole but it hasn’t arrived yet. Next week sometime.) Tomorrow I celebrate the Lord’s Supper for the first time. World Communion Sunday, no less.

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