Less than 2 weeks ago, I noticed what good a job Akismet was doing catching my comment spam. Last night sometime I got spammed with 9 comments that slipped through Akismet, so I had to go delete them by hand. When I looked, I saw that Akismet had flagged 1495 spams!
The spammers are vandals. They are seeking to destroy the foundations of society. Starting with my blog. My point is that they are harnessing hordes of hapless Windows users’ machines to spam the daylights out of harmless sites like mine. That’s bad enough. What makes it worse is that this activity is directed at Search Engine Optimization, i.e., trying to return us to the days before Google, when you couldn’t find anything online.
I can’t do anything about the spammers (except not use Windows, of course, and I don’t) but I can do something about SEO. People trying to do “honest” S.E.O. are like “honest” vandals. They wouldn’t use botnets to scrawl graffiti all over a blog like mine, but they’ll cheerfully put links to their crappy, pathetic sites wherever they can in the hopes of confusing the page rank algorithm. To them I say, “give it up.” Nobody cares about your site, and if they do, they will publicize it themselves. Push is obsolete. If we want to hear from you, we’ll jerk your chain.
Now please leave my site alone. And quit trying to fool Google. They’re like a bazillion times smarter than you anyway. Which is why they’re rich and you’re trying to leech off them for a few measly page views. Just buy an ad, for pete’s sake.