Remnants of Seminary…

My first class in seminary taught me the importance of Route 66. (The 6’s remind me of the 6 principal parts of the Greek verb, you see.) So the last time I traveled across country I made it a point to stop at one of the Route 66 museums along America’s “Mother Road.”

What do you think I should see at the aforesaid museum, but a reminder of a lecture from PR201 or PR202?

I can’t recall the topic of the lecture, but I remember the lecturer was [the guy who carries the mace]. A later lecturer taught us that sometimes a sermon illustration can be too vivid. That was the case with this lecture, I suppose, because instead of remembering the point of the lecture (assuming there was a point), I remember the illustration, which was that some songs have meaningless lyrics. And speaking of illustrations, look at this one: it’s from the album jacket. CD’s can’t touch this stuff.
Album jacket for the

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