It’s Thursday, which means I’m procrastinating on my sermon.
Also, even though I ordered my new NIC on — what, Saturday? — it still hasn’t arrived so I don’t have many opportunities to blog. Anyhoo, I’m at work and thinking I might blog during my lunch hours. Especially if I ought to be writing a sermon.
So the way I’m procrastinating (by blogging) is by using Marsedit. It’s pretty slick, and it supports both Markdown and Smartypants, which I use a lot. (In fact, I write my sermons using gvim and then pretty ’em up with these same tools.) I’ve been thinking I should convert my blog to use one of those Markdown plug-ins, but maybe what I should do is use something like this to create HTML from Markdown and not use a plug-in.
Hmm. It doesn’t do a lot. But it doesn’t cost a lot either. I’ll think about it.
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