I spent the day (with two helpers) swapping offices at church with the secretary. (Boy, will she be surprised! 🙂 Everything is done now except … well, actually a whole bunch of things.
But the main thing still to be done is reorganizing the shelves.
No. That’s not true. Realistically, the main thing is getting my phone to work. The FAX line (which is also the DSL line) works fine, but something went wrong when we moved handsets and now only one phone will work. For the time being, the secretary’s is “it”.
But ignore all that. Who phones the pastor, anyway? And more to the point, I don’t know how to fix phones. Rearranging bookshelves is more my speed. And now I have room to get things off the floor and onto shelves.
Anyway, here’s my new office:
Now compare that with the old office: