Obama activates female surrogates

According to this NY Times piece:

Senator Barack Obama will increasingly lean on prominent Democratic women to undercut Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator John McCain, dispatching Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to Florida on Monday and bolstering his plan to deploy female surrogates to battleground states, Obama advisers said Thursday.

Which raises the question: why? (i.e., why would Hillary do this?)

Is Sen. Obama going to help her retire some of that campaign debt?

Or is Sen. Clinton worried that thisRasmussen poll on a 2012 Hillary-Palin match might represent her high-water mark?

And what’s with this:

Advisers to Mrs. Clinton said that she stood ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged the campaign not to overestimate the impact Mrs. Clinton could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates.

(Emphasis mine.)

(Clarified my wording of the question this news item raises.)

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