You shouldn’t notice any changes.
There is one, but it’s not WordPress-related. But while I was ftp-ing up a storm doing the WP upgrade, I also set up a FAVICON.ICO for my site. This is what it looks like, up close:
I’ll owe you a nickel if you can identify this icon and tell me what it signifies.
Update. A reader (gasp!) asks how I made the ico
file, whether I used PhotoChop or whatever. My answer is, negatory, good buddy. First, why would I spend a fortune on PhotoChop when the Gimp is free (libre and gratis), unless I needed CMYK, which I don’t. Second, I used ImageMagick‘s convert
tool to get the original image to the size I wanted. Then — I don’t know why, out of the 6 zillion file formats ImageMagick supports, .ico
isn’t one, but no matter — I used png2ico to convert it to a .ico file.