Category Archives: Christianity

Hebrew: Not (Quite) Dead Yet

For Lent I’m going to preach from the Old Testament. (That doesn’t mean what you think. It’s just that I mostly preach from the gospels.) It was a trip to be reading the ‘brew again.

I did my translation of Genesis 2:15-17,3:1-7. The first verse was a disaster, because the first word was yiqqach and I’d forgotten about roots where the initial L just vanishes (like LQH). But by the end, I was coming back strong, staring at words like nechmad and thinking that must be a niphal from HMD. (Then trying to remember what the niphal signified, but that’s another story.)

I’m gratified to note here that while my m4d H3br3w sk1llz aren’t what they used to be (i.e., pathetic but serviceable), I was able, eventually, to work my way through the entire mess. Hooray for me and Summer Hebrew.

Moved Office

I spent the day (with two helpers) swapping offices at church with the secretary. (Boy, will she be surprised! 🙂 Everything is done now except … well, actually a whole bunch of things.

But the main thing still to be done is reorganizing the shelves.

No. That’s not true. Realistically, the main thing is getting my phone to work. The FAX line (which is also the DSL line) works fine, but something went wrong when we moved handsets and now only one phone will work. For the time being, the secretary’s is “it”.

But ignore all that. Who phones the pastor, anyway? And more to the point, I don’t know how to fix phones. Rearranging bookshelves is more my speed. And now I have room to get things off the floor and onto shelves.

Anyway, here’s my new office:

New Office

Now compare that with the old office:

Old Office

Dead Sea Scrolls @ SDNHM

Yesterday, a couple of days after we’d planned to, we saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum.

I thought it was an excellent exhibit, and I’m glad I went. There was a lot to see there. Beside the scrolls themselves (or, I should say, odd chunks of miscellaneous scrolls) I was surprised to see how much information they had on the Qumran site. It was helpful to me to understand the geography of the site better and to see what archaeologists have learned from its ruins. I also liked the displays that helped to explain paleography and its role in dating the scrolls.

Sadly, I found that my Hebrew, which is on the retreat even in the best circumstances, is not improved by putting all the words in an archaic script, in the handwritten equivalent of 8 point type, under thick glass, in the dark.

After we’d studied the DSS for awhile, we looked at some of the museum’s other exhibits:


Happy Birthday to Me

Well, here I am two days into the downhill slide. Actually, it’s a year and two days, but you can kid yourself during that first year. (Forty-five sounds ambiguous: are you in your early forties, or your late, or some kind of middle-ground? Of course, you’re in your late forties. But it doesn’t sound that way. It’s because of zero-origin indexing, like most problems. From the moment of your forty-fifth birthday, you’re an old duffer, and that’s all there is for it. But that first year it’s not so obvious yet. It’s sort of like a bald man combing his hair over as long as he can.)

Anyway, I got the new Harry Potter book. It’s been in my Amazon wish-list forever, and now, finally, it’s mine. The only problem is that I can’t read it. You see, what I got is Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis: the Latin translation of Harry Potter book 1. When I put it in my list, I knew a bit of Latin, and thought this book might help me learn some more. But I’ve forgotten almost all the Latin I knew. (I’ve even forgotten most of my Hebrew, and I use it a lot more than I do Latin. Yikes!)

I also got some aloha-type shirts. My plan is to gracelessly transition from the stuffy Geneva gown to an informal Saddleback outfit someday Real Soon Now. (More on this topic here. Heaven forfend we might identify with the contemporary corporate culture rather than the medieval academic culture.) In the meantime, I can wear them to get used to looking sloppy. I mean, Californian.

Also, Mmhmm, to add to my Relient K collection. And a delicious cake. Low-fat, of course.

Amazing things you hear on Christian Radio

I was driving to the hospital yesterday listening to the local Christian radio station. Somebody (I listened, but never heard who) was explaining why his Bible was better than the one person who had called in preferred.

“The New American Standard,” he said, “is based on the Nestle Text, where the King James is based on the Textus Receptus. And the Textus Receptus is a more pristine text.”

(Pristine? I’m reminded of the Monty Python “Cheese Shop” sketch. [See here if you’ve never had the pleasure of watching it.] The proprietor says his shop, which is out of dozens of kinds of cheese, is nevertheless “the finest in the district.” The customer demands that he “explain the logic underlying that conclusion.” The shopkeeper replies, “It’s so clean!” To which the customer replies, “It’s certainly uncontaminated by cheese!” The TR may be pristine, but reality is messy.)

This “expert” went on to prove his point by citing Revelation 12:18-13:1, which may be merged in your Bible into a single verse 13:1.) The Nestle text says estathe (“he stood”) while TR says estathen (“I stood”). The difference is a single letter, like the difference between “he” and “she” in English. So either the dragon stood on the beach and watched the beast coming up out of the sea, or the author did.

1. Is this a major theological topic? Really? Does this level of difference really matter, or is this a case of hair-splitting (and probably mint-tithing) Protestant Scholasticism? How does it really matter whether the dragon stood watching or John did? (No. I take that back. Spare me. Please!)

2. The reading “I stood” is supported by the Byzantine Majority Text, Latin Vulgate, and others. The reading “He stood” is supported by P47, a 2nd century papyrus, in addition to the codices Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus.

In short, the King James reading is a fine translation of an inferior text. (Pristine though it may be.) The most popular evangelical translations all have “he/the dragon” as, of course, do the more scholarly translations like the NRSV and the NAB.

(For more about the TR read these summaries of its history, its critics, and its defenders (links within one longer article).)

I feel for the people who have no better resources to turn to than Christian talk radio. Bummer for them. And shame on the flat-earthers who continue to support the TR.

Spotted in a church kitchen

I was just in the kitchen a moment ago. I was recharging my AM/PM 44-oz tankard with Wal*Mart “Dr. Thunder” beverage (which, from the taste, is relabeled “Mr. Pibb,” a knockoff of Dr. Pepper foisted upon us by Coke).

When I was there, I noticed that the people preparing for the luncheon tomorrow had left a package of “premium napkins” open on the counter. The brand name was “Vanity Fair.”

I wondered what Bunyan would think, then I wondered how it is that “Vanity Fair” came to be a positive-sounding thing you’d like to associate with your product.

Ortberg’s “God is Closer Than You Think”

Waiting at the doctor’s office today, I finished reading John Ortberg’s God Is Closer Than You Think. Very good book, with allusions to everyone from Brother Lawrence to the man in black.

Typographically the book is too busy, with subheads and headings and little pull-out quotes in boxes. To its credit, the decisions about what to set off visually were usually the right ones: I didn’t have to underline nearly as many things here as I often do. (Having said that, I still prefer books that aren’t so cluttered-up visually.)

Hebrew vanishing! Corrective action required!

I have been preaching the Gospel text from the revised common lectionary every week so far during year C. That’s all well and good, you say, and, yes, the exegesis has helped my Greek reading skills inordinately.

But! I was just translating Psalm 121 from the ‘brew for an upcoming funeral and whoa! I’ve forgotten all of the 11 Hebrew roots I actually used to know. I knew I was in trouble when I couldn’t remember what SH-M-R meant (“keep”, “observe”, “guard”). Yikes.

(Also, the audioscriptures web site appears to have de-emphasized Hebrew. So to hear someone with a clue read it, I had to go here instead.)

(Re) Learning SQL

We have like 12 different databases at work. Most of them are Word documents. I’d like them all to be in (say) Excel files so that we can (for example) easily make mailing address labels. (Our current mailing label database started life that way, I think, but the Excel data has been lost, and the Word document with the mailing labels has been updated by hand ever since.)

This offends me. It drives me nuts. And in my copious spare time I’m trying to get them all into tabular data sets that can be imported into Excel. I’ve done most of that work, courtesy of antiword and a lot of ruby scripting.

Now I just need to merge columns A, C, and G from one file with columns B, T, and Q from another file. Times a dozen files. That, my friend, is a job for a database query language.

Back when I worked for the start-up, I used to know how those work. So now I’m dusting off what little I knew, and creating scripts to convert the tabular data files into SQL update commands I can send to a MySQL database.

Fun. But slow going. I expect to be done in September. November at the latest.

Update. In the ensuing six years, I had forgotten about the LOAD DATA command. Getting the data into tabular format (above) was all I needed to do. Cool.