This is really shiny, dong ma?
It took 21 months and 70,000 pieces. It weighs 135 lbs.
Via CmdrTaco. There’s a whole bunch of photos there, including this one of Wash.
This is really shiny, dong ma?
It took 21 months and 70,000 pieces. It weighs 135 lbs.
Via CmdrTaco. There’s a whole bunch of photos there, including this one of Wash.
Just a few tabs this week:
I really liked this: 1000 frame/sec video of an eagle owl’s final approach toward the camera.
Also this, which combines Legos, Star Wars, and computer graphics for a nerdy trifecta:
And, finally, a Firefly panel:
(There are several additional bits from that same panel.)
About time! Someone’s put together a list of the top 15 Chinese expressions (“curses”) from the late, great TV series Firefly.
My personal favorite: å–畜生雜交的髒貨, which is from Shepherd Book (naturally).
Via VodkaPundit.
I really liked Firefly. The movie Serenity wasn’t — couldn’t be — as good, but it had its moments:
A year from now, ten? They’ll swing back to the belief that they can make people… better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin’. I aim to misbehave.
Now from Joss Whedon comes this tidbit downplaying any possibility of a Serenity 2:
It’s nice to know that people still care about Firefly but it’s actual grief that I feel. It’s not something you get over, it’s just something you learn to live with.
Via @AdamSBaldwin who adds “amen.”